Welcome Back! If you live in a part of the country where it snows, then Winter can be a great time to get active with skiing or snowboarding. This week, we want to share with you some tips that can help you enjoy your time outside.
1. Consult an expert on safety equipment at a local ski or snowboard shop.
2. Wear protective layers of clothing to avoid exposure such as gloves, hats, and jackets. You want clothing that is water and wind-resistant. Layers will help to trap your body's heat.
3. Wear wrist guards to limit stress on joins in the case of falls
4. Wear eye protection, such as goggles
5. Wear a helmet
6. Keep your equipment in good repair
7. Stay hydrated...don't forget to drink plenty of water
8. Remember, you can get a sun burn in the winter. Consider SPF lip balms and sunscreens
9. Follow the posted safety rules for the slopes. Know what level of difficulty you are capable of handling. Challenge yourself, have fun, but use good judgement.
10. Warm up before any physical activity.
Whom do you know that can benefit from these tips? Please SHARE. Knowledge is the key.
Until next time, Be Safe!